Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Guatemala Poem

I know what you all are thinking......."2 posts in 2 days, she must be sick".  I am not sick just really wanted to share this poem with you.  I put it on my facebook page but wanted to put it on my blog so I will have it forever. 

This poem was written by Olivia's preschool teacher, Ms. Cyndi, who went to La Limonada, Guatemala last week for a mission trip in the ghetto.  She spent one day back at the house not feeling too well and began reflecting on the trip thus far and what could she get out of the day spent alone not working with the people of La Limonada.   Writing this poem was what she was meant to do.  It is wonderful and I know that everyone will enjoy it especially those who have been touched by Guatemala. Enjoy!!

In La Limonada, as I walk through the street,

I see many faces of the people we meet.

I see their small homes, some broken, some worn,

I see their possessions, what little they own.

I smell the pungent aroma of sewage all day,

And ask how they can live in this way.

Why is it like this?

What can we do?

What would you do if it happened to you?

The sadness they must feel, the anger, the fears,

Enough to flood all the streets with their tears.

I expected to hear crying and see signs of depression,

I expect to see sorrow, and expected aggression.

But instead I heard laughter and sounds of joy,

As children played with their only toy.

I saw friends and families working as one,

To make the best because life must go on.

The schools in the ghetto offer the kids love,

They offer them hope from the one above.

They do all they can with all that they’ve got,

But I know it’s not easy, because it’s not a lot.

I have much respect for the teachers here,

For what they must see all thru the year.

Soon I will return to my life back at home,

But how this has changed me is still yet unknown.

Why is it like this, I do not know.

I can not understand why they just don’t go.

But where would they run to?

What would they do?

What would you do if it happened to you?

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Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.