Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Catching Up

I am behind on posting so I will try and catch up quickly.

On Saturday we had a great time on our play date with Bella, and her Mom and Dad (Heather and Tom). We went to Monkey Joe's and then to dinner. The girls had a lot of fun even though it took Olivia a little while to get up the courage to actually get down and play. Once she did she loved it. She and Bella went down the big slide and were not scared one bit. The Moms went down the big slide as well and it was actually fun. We had a great time at dinner. Olivia and Bella are so cute together they are each other's best friend.
It rained Saturday and Sunday so we only did indoor activities. Olivia went to her first movie in a theater. She did great and loved seeing Hotel for Dogs. She looked so tiny in the chairs. It was funny to see her sitting there eating her popcorn and drinking bottled water. She is growing up too fast.
We woke up Monday morning to snow and freezing cold weather. Olivia and I got to spend the day together.
Tuesday she started full time in her new classroom and did wonderful. She stopped by her old classroom to say Hi to the teachers and check out the new kids then off she went to her new class. Today Bill had to pick her up early because she woke up from nap with really gunky red eyes. Off to the doctor they went and she has pink eye in both eyes. Her eyes look awful but she doesn't complain at all. She let us clean her eyes with a warm wash cloth and then she tilts her head back and lets us put the drops in, I had envisioned that we would be holding her down and trying desperately to get some bit of a drop in them but it's just the opposite. She amazes me. She will be out of school tomorrow but can return on Friday. I am not sure if she got the infection from a sinus infection (this is what the doctor thinks caused it), or Monkey Joe's. I shutter to think what all she was exposed to at Monkey Joe's (remember it was a rainy day so there were A LOT of people there).
Well, that just about covers everything up to today. I wonder what tomorrow has in store for us. We are looking forward to receiving a package from our foster family in Guatemala. A friend of Bill's went to Guatemala last week on a fishing excursion and offered to take a package to our foster family. They in turn gave him a package to bring back to Olivia. He should arrive back in the states tomorrow and we should have the package by the weekend. We are so blessed to have had such a wonderful foster family who still loves Olivia as though she were there own. We look forward to seeing them again one day.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Coming down the big slide

"Would someone please bring me a chilled Capri Sun?"

This is our second round of snow this winter, I was over it after the first round. When is spring coming.

Olivia watching the coming attractions at her first movie in a theater.


Anonymous said...

OMG i soooo cant wait to take abby to the movies!!! HOW CUTE are they!!!!

I signed abby up for pre-school in sept and im really sad that they get BIG so fast!!*tears*


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Cute pictures, Sharon. We too are at home, Tabitha has pneumonia--again! She's such a champ about doing her nebulizer treatments though. Hopefully she'll be back to daycare Monday!
We didn't get even a flake of that snow, but I agree, when is spring coming?

Anonymous said...

Poor Olivia and her pink eye!! I'm glad to hear she cooperates with the eye drops....that would not be something the B would be too thrilled about.

Speaking of Bella - that picture is hilarious!

I have been meaning to tell you that Ms Suzie told me that Bella was hanging close to her the other day and the other kids were dancing on the rug. She told me that Olivia came over and took Bella's hand and said something like "come on Bella, come dance with us". TOO CUTE!

PS - Drop off is getting better! We are under 5 minutes of crying. I had no idea she was so in love with Mavette and Naima.

Kim & Dave said...

She sure is a cutie! Love the mesmerized look in the movie theater!

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.