Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gifts from Guatemala

Well this post is well overdue, but between the 3 of us one of us has been sick at some point over the last month. Everyone here is finally on the mend so I wanted to get this post done before any more time passes.

We are very fortunate that Olivia had the most wonderful foster family in Guatemala. They love her so much and miss her every day. Several weeks ago Bill's friend was heading to Guatemala for a vacation and he offered to transport a package for us. I put together a framed photo of Olivia, some of her artwork from school, some snapshots of her, a handwritten "letter" from Olivia, and a DVD of her playing and talking so they could see her and hear her voice. They loved everything. They were so excited to have something of Olivia's. Seeing her and hearing her voice was the best. They said that the first day they got the package they watched the "Olivia Show" 4 times. My how the tables have turned..........................I remember well when Olivia was still in Guatemala..........................How hard it was to not see her, hold her, kiss her, we wondered every day what she was doing, and what she sounded like, how big was she, etc. I remember well how hard it was to wait for the updates each month and to see how she changed and hear about the new things she was doing. Monthly updates was the extent of our contact back then............. Now of course they can follow along with the blog and we can send e-mails back and forth. They will always be a part of of our family and us a part of theirs.

Thank you so much for the beautiful dress and accessories for Olivia and thank you so much for the awesome Guatemala t-shirts!!!!! We love them.

Olivia opening her gift.

An outfit fit for a princess.

Her foster brothers sent her a heart shaped lollipop. She loves it. She is still eating it. Everyday she asks for it, sucks on it for a little while and then gives it back and says "save it for tomorrow".

Doesn't she look beautiful in her new dress and hair bow! (She wouldn't model her purse)


Proud Mama and Papa said...

The dress is GORGEOUS. It is so great that her foster family can follow along as she grows here with her family. So sweet!

I am glad you guys are on the mend...I was starting to wonder if you guys were doing okay - you've been pretty quiet! :)

Madelyn's Mommy said...

That is so neat how ya'll still have contact with her foster family.

Such a pretty dress.

Love ya'll


Anonymous said...

I love that dress she is sooo pretty in pink!

what a great thing that you still talk to the foster parents!


Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.