Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Birthday Girl!!

When I woke up this morning there were balloons decorating the kitchen and my chair. I was so surprised and very excited. Especially for my helium balloon that said Happy Birthday on it. I carried it to school to show all my friends.

I got to pick one gift to open this morning. I picked a gift my Nana sent me and it was two very cute outfits. I will get to open all the rest of my gifts on Saturday when I have my party. I can't wait!!

Mommy and Daddy came to school today with cupcakes. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me and we all got to eat the delicious cookies and cream cupcakes.

After school we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. When we got home my Mommy checked her e-mail and sure enough there was a birthday wish from my foster family in Guatemala. They even sent pictures of everyone. I was so excited to see them. I can't wait to visit them someday.
I had a great birthday!!! Thank you to everyone who called to wish me a Happy Birthday and thank you to my best friend Bella who made me a beautiful birthday card. I sure hope it's my birthday tomorrow too.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday sweet big girl Olivia!!!


Madelyn's Mommy said...

That was cute!

Can you believe she is 2??? Madi isn't far at all behind just a few weeks and they will both be 2!


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Happy birthday Olivia! Yes, they are already 2, what happened? Those cupcakes sure do look yummy!
Of course, Tabitha would just eat the frosting!

Robyn said...

What adorable pics!! Happy Birthday Olivia!!

Arena Mom said...

I just found your blog off of Leslie's! She is a cutie pie! My daughter turns two tomorrow (1/26), so they are so close in age!!! I can't believe how fast they grow!

Our Family of 5 said...

Happy Birthday Miss Olivia. Hope you had a good day sweetie!!

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.