Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, January 26, 2009

Olivia's 2nd Birthday Party!

Olivia had a great time at her birthday party on Saturday!! It was just family this year. Bill made a great dinner from Giada's cookbook. And my sister made the cake. Olivia loved her cake. She doesn't quite know what to think about everyone singing Happy Birthday to her. Even at school she was looking at everyone like they had lost their minds when they all started singing to her.

Olivia's princess castle cake. My sister did an awesome job on it. Thank you Aunt Debbie!!

Opening presents was her favorite part besides eating cake.

She got very excited over all her gifts especially the clothes. I think I take her clothes shopping way too often.

Dancing to "Jump" on Choo Choo Soul.

Testing her new step stool. Check out her custom made skirt by "Creations by Lou Lou" too cute, especially with her fancy silk blouse.

My favorite girls.

Best friends.

My baby at 10 months old.
Where did my baby go? You are growing way to fast! We love you so much and thank God every day for sending you to us!! Happy Birthday Princess!


Anonymous said...

OMG she is just getting so BIG..AND yes EVEN prettier??? HOW can that be?! LOL

I love the cake what a talent!

Im sad my baby will be 3 in wow wow!


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Yes, they are growing up Waaay too fast! I agree! Looks like Olivia had a great birthday. Happy Birthday, Olivia!
Becky & Tabitha

Madelyn's Mommy said...

Your sister did do a really good job on that cake. I could never do one that good!

They are growing up way to fast! Don't you have a potion to slow that down?????

May favorite pic is the one of her jumping and dancing.

Love ya'll!

Hope to see you soon!


LouLou said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet GIRL!!! She looked adorable in her Loulou skirt.... Heck, she would look adorable in a brown paper sack!

nikki said...

Happy Birthday Olivia. How big she looks standing on the stool!!!!
The cake is awesome!!!!

Mindy said...

What a beautiful birthday princess she makes!!! I ADORE the cake! How sweet is that!?
Many Birthday Hugs,

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.