Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some of Olivia's Loves

Olivia loves her new pet fish that Daddy bought her last weekend. She named him "Nemo"!


She loves taking a bath in the whirlpool tub with the jets turned on. She is a diva in the making.

She loves to dace to "Choo Choo Soul".

She loves to smile and laugh!

She loves Pollo Campero which Bill brought home for dinner on his way back from Florida. MMMM MMMM GOOD!!


Anonymous said...

That is my kind of chica! Im really jealous of the tub and the chicken! I hope one day we get a Pollo Campero here!!!

Olivia is just the cutest!


P.S i love her Betta fish too!

Madelyn's Mommy said...

Don't let Mike babysit the fish. He killed Madi's the week we were in SC. :)

"A diva in the making" I think NOT! That beauty is already a diva. She takes after her Mommy. :O)

Call me sometime this week and we will see if we can work it out to get together on Sat.

Love ya

Kelli said...

Love the pix and who doesn't love choo choo soul. Although Kaleb has turned into a Noggin kid so no Disney at the moment. I have never had pollo campero but when in FL I will have to try it.

Oh Kaleb LOVES his lion towel. He wore it to bed last night and all day today!!!! He has only had it off of him while eating and going to the potty. have an awesome night!!!

Kelli said...

Love the pix and who doesn't love choo choo soul. Although Kaleb has turned into a Noggin kid so no Disney at the moment. I have never had pollo campero but when in FL I will have to try it.

Oh Kaleb LOVES his lion towel. He wore it to bed last night and all day today!!!! He has only had it off of him while eating and going to the potty. have an awesome night!!!

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.