Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Best Friends and Fun in the Leaves

Are they cute, or what?!! Olivia and her best friend Madi Belle. They act and sound a lot alike. They even color coordinated their outfits. They had a great time playing at Marbles and going out to dinner together. We are all looking forward to the next get together.

Want a push Madi?

Olivia loves playing in the leaves. After church on Sunday we went to my sister's house and her front yard was full of leaves. Olivia had a blast picking up a the leaves and throwing them in the air.

My little Mayan Princessa.


Anonymous said...

OMG they look alot alike!!!! They are just sooo precious!!!!

Love all the new pics of olivia in the leaves!!! She looks sooo good in that coat!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are beautiful! Looks like y'all are having lots of fun!


Anonymous said...

Adorable pics, guys!


Madelyn's Mommy said...

ummmmmmm how did I miss this post?

I follow your blog but for some reason I missed this.

They are best friends and we are so lucky to have ya'll!!!

Girl we have been sick for 2 wks. Finally this week they gave her an anitbiotic. Life has been CRAZY!

I have been a slacker at blogging and everything.

Love you

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.