Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Olivia had fun dressing up as Lilo from Lilo & Stitch. I made her costume but it didn't come as I had envisioned it. My sister's sewing machine broke so I had to hand stitch it which worked fine for the head, arms and ankle pieces but the skirt and top didn't come very good with hand stitching, oh well! Olivia had a parade at school and had a lot of fun showing off her costume and saying "Trick or Treat".

Olivia and Bella. She is the cutest lady bug ever!

Singing "Ichy, Sticky Bubble Gum" at school. I got a video of it and it is hilarious. I also have great pictures of her with her classmates all dressed up. She will enjoy seeing them when she is older.


JuJu - said...

adorable - i think it turned our perfect:)

Madelyn's Mommy said...

I laughed out loud at the first picture. That is the cutest thing Sharon.

She is so beautiful.

And I don't see a thing wrong with the costume. I think you did a GREAT job. I wish I was that talented.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

wow you did a great job!!!!! Olivia is just soooooo pretty she melts my heart!! I missed ya!


Gail said...

Olivia makes an adorable Lilo!!
You did a great job in making it!!!

Jenn said...

Oh my gosh, she is so precious!!! The costume looks great!

Jennifer said...

What a cutie! The costume is darling and I think you did an awesome job! You must be very crafty!

Paul and DeeDee said...

That is the cutest costume ever! I have never seen lilo and stitch but now I am going to go rent it! She is so adorable.

Kelli said...

Your daughter is PRECIOUS and sooo cute!!!! Thanks so much for our goodies. I looked out the door and saw the box. Then I thought what did I order!!! The boys love their goodies. I love the name tags for the gifts. The boys are sharing a room at the moment b/c Kaleb is scared to sleep alone, so I may put them on their door. Thanks again and now I am excited to follow your blog. We miss NC so much and hope to one day move back there. Take care and thanks so much again!!!!

Daphne said...

So A D O R A B L E !!!

Our Family of 5 said...

Now that is just to darn cute for words!!

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.