We had a great time with friends on Saturday at Marbles Kid's Museum and lunch at Chilli's afterward. Olivia and her best friend from school enjoyed playing together in the grocery store, the water and under the sea. Olivia and Bella are both adopted and they are only a few weeks apart in age and in forever family days. We had a great time and hope to get together again.
My first time carving anything other than a simple face. Not bad.
This one came really good. Not the greatest picture but you get the idea.
Well I am off to work on Olivia's costume before heading to bed. Have a great week everyone!
Wow you are a great pumpkin carver!!!! OMG Olivia is just the cutest!!!!
I cant wait to see her in her costume!
I want to go to that Marbles Kid museum soon. Olivia really enjoys it. And yes Bella is cute. I have heard about her so it is nice to see a pic.
Good job carving the pumpkins. I only do the triangles.
And tell Bill that I really like the shoes he had on in the pic of Olivia with the shopping cart at the museum. LOL
Love ya
oh wow, I just came across your blog again! I got a new computer several months ago and lost all my bookmarked blogs.... Olivia is getting so big and is gorgeous as always!
Oh, it is so nice to see her wearing her apron...I love it! She is so cute and I really have enjoyed being your SBP. Since the reveal is toady I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Muriel and I adopted my daughter Sophie (2) from Kazakhstan and just had a biological baby boy...it has been crazy around here. I have a blog from our adoption journey that is public www.2kaz4sophie.blogspot.com and if you want to e-mail me at murielcollison@hotmail.com I will invite you to our current, private blog. Happy Halloween.
The pumpkin came out great, nice work!!
Olivia is just too cute in her lttle apron!!
Happy Halloween
Sharon - Look at your pumpkin carving skills - I am so jealous!
And where did you find this BFF Bella? She is so cute! ;0
Olivia needs to show Bella how to gut the pumpkin - B wasn't so sure about that part.
Happy Halloween!
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