Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

North Carolina State Fair.

Olivia had a great time at the fair!! She was amazed at everything. We went late in the afternoon so we didn't have a huge amount of time to spend there, but I think it was just enough for her to see the things that interested her. I just love watching her experience new things.
She held onto me for dear life on the carousel, but she did remain sitting on the horse.

First taste of cotton candy.

Stuck to her face

She made the funniest face when it just melted away in her mouth. She thought she was going to chew it and it just melted away.

This kangaroo was at the entrance of the UNC Hospital kids section.

a VERY LARGE pig and her piglets.

Bill's favorite are the goats. He wants to get one, Hello, we live in the city.

I love this animal. He was sooooo big but looked incredibly soft. I wished I could have touched it.

Second time on the carousel. She was all brave sitting by herself holding on to the pole. As soon as it started to move and the horse went up and down a few times she got scared and grabbed on to me. She is doing better and better though. When we took her to Pullen Park and she rode the carousel for the very first time she wouldn't even sit on the horse. Bill had to hold her, so we are definitely making progress.


Jennifer said...

Oh I love the last picture--by the way that big gray animal does look really soft doesnt' he? Looks like you guys had a great time at the fair. I love the fair and all the good food that comes with it. Glad to read that your nephew is getting better. Hope his flight home wasn't too uncomfortable.

nikki said...

Oh I love going to the fair!!!
Olivia looks so big sitting up on the carousel!!!
Such cute pictures!!!

Madelyn's Mommy said...

I wish we could have gone with ya'll!!!

The last pic is my fav too.

And yes that is just what Bill needs a goat! Mike wants one of those fainting goats because he thinks it is hilarious to watch them faint.


Love ya

Our Family of 5 said...

Ok, last picture is my favorite too. It shows her personality. That smile and them cheeks are just so stinken perfect! Love the cotton candy face too. Really is there anything better then cotton candy at the fair??

Have a good weekend!!

Daphne said...

Great pics and great blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful! Looks like you all had lots of fun at the fair!

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.