Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Horsing Around

A couple of weekends ago I took Olivia to watch my niece Morgan during her riding lessons. Olivia loves animals so it was a lot of fun for her. At one point I was holding Olivia and we were standing next to Morgan's horse when the horse next to us started to pee. Olivia just gasped, pointed at him and said "Momma, pee pee!" I just laughed and said "yup, that's right he is doing pee pee." Well, the phrase "pee like a race horse" is dead on. He kept going and going and going and going. Olivia just couldn't take her eyes off him. Then she proceeded to tell everyone who walked by that the horse went pee pee. What a wonderful learning experience that was for her! :-)

Morgan riding Joy.

Olivia watching everyone ride.

Olivia keeping her eye on Joy. No false moves please.

Olivia started to put her hand in the bucket of dirty water when I told her not to touch because it was for the horse to drink. She asked me if it was "appa juish". Too funny. It actually did look like apple juice because it was not very clean.

Well, we are off to Myrtle Beach on Friday for Guatoberfest. We can't wait to meet everyone. There will be around 100 children under the age of 3 there. We will be visiting the aquarium which I am very much looking forward to. I hope to have a lot of pictures to post when we get back.


Jennifer said...

Too cute! Olivia is getting so big---and I love the picture with her little leg in the air. I hope you have an awesome time this weekend!

Madelyn's Mommy said...

I can't wait to see ya'll again! It has been too long.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon! Can't wait to see you, Olivia and Bill again. I'm excited about the aquarium too!


Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.