Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Guatoberfest and Prayer Request

GUATOBERFEST WAS AWESOME!!!! We had the best time and enjoyed meeting everyone. Seeing all those beautiful babies in one place was unbelievable. We can't wait until next year. Thank you Kerry, Julia, and Megan you gals ROCK!! It was great seeing you again!!

Here are some pictures from the weekend. They are not in any particular order. My home computer is not functioning well and I don't have time right now to organize them. I also did not take enough photos of everyone so here are links to those who did a great job with taking photos. I will add more links as more people start posting.

Olivia loves the beach but hates wind.


Olivia and Madi at the aquarium

Olivia and her BFF Madi Belle.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for my nephew. He is in Indiana to undergo a very serious surgery tomorrow morning. He and his family are very worried and scared. I pray that everything goes well and that he heals quickly. It will be a difficult recovery. We love you Michael, stay strong.!!


Madelyn's Mommy said...


What's the deal with all the ass shots of me?????? Is that my best side?!?!?!?!?!?!?! LOL

Oh never mind that's right ya'll were always behind us because we were waiting on ya'll all weekend!

Because it takes you 10 hrs in the morning to get beautiful! (I am sure your family will agree with this comment).

And I am so glad to know that Bill actually met some friends on that trip. Although they look like they might need to eat a little.


We really had a ball with ya'll this past weekend!

Love ya!


I am praying for Michael. Please let me know how the surgery goes.

JuJu - said...

love to you and your precious fmaily - so good to see you again:)

praying for Michael:)

Sharon and Olivia Grace said...


Dont' exagerate, it only took 5hours to get ready. I sacrificed beautiful for mediocre just for you guys.

Can't wait for our next adventure together.

Love ya,

Madelyn's Mommy said...

LOL Your funny!!!!!

Bill knows who is really telling the truth!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Im praying for your Nephew Michael and your family!!

I enjoyed meeting you and your gorgeous family!!

Your daughter melts my heart!!


Kerry said...

Thanks sweet Sharon! It was good to see you again. I will be saying some special prayers for Michael.

Jennifer said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm hooked on your blog..what can I say! I appreciate you sharing your adoption assures me that my daughter is growing up in the happiest of homes. Praying for your nephew! Keep us posted.

Our Family of 5 said...

Sending many prayers for your nephew! Make sure you update us all on him, I will be thinking and wondering how he is doing.

Love all the pictures. Looks like a blast and Miss Oliva is just beautiful.

We are totally looking forward to going next year. We went the first year and had a blast. Hope to meet you and your family next year.

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.