One of Olivia's teachers french braided her hair the other day. Good thing I had the camera with me. She pulled it out before we got home. It was a little messy from nap time but it looked very cute.
This is a good example of what you have to take with you when you get Olivia out of her crib in the morning. It is quite an armful, and you have to pray that there is nothing in your path to trip on because you can't see a thing.
She insisted that they all sit on her tray.
We convinced her to remove her tray and sit up to the table so her friends could sit within arms length while she ate.
She sure does care about everyone in her crib. She even picks one or two different ones to join the usual breakfast bunch, (yes there are more sleeping with her than just those pictured above). Every so often she will take a new stuffed toy from the many positioned around her room and add it to the collection she has in her crib. Thankfully she has gotten used to only being able to bring one stuffed friend to school each day. It was getting hard to carry her and all of her accessories in to school.
Olivia became upset when we went to the mall this past weekend and informed her that she could only take into the mall one of the three toys she brought with her. The other two would have to wait in the car. She didn't fuss for long as we explained that they were sitting in her car seat and waiting for her to come back. She was so excited to see them still in her seat when we returned to the car. She is too cute!!!
I have been tagged with the Brilliant Blogger Award by Julia and Becky. So here are the answers to some questions about me and a list of who I have tagged.
A. Attached or single? Very Attached.
B. Best friend? My husband.
C. Cake or pie? Cake.
D. Day of choice? Any day I don't have to go to work and can spend time with Bill and Olivia.
E. Essential item? There are too many to list.
F. Favorite color? I like various shades of all colors.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Both.
H. Hometown? Raleigh, NC
I. Indulgence? Food in general, can't you tell.
J. January or July? Both. My daughter and husband were born in January but I love the warm weather in July.
K. Kids? 1 for now.
L. Life is not complete without? My family.
M. Marriage date? 11-16-1991
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 1 sister and 1 brother-in-law, 2 brothers and 2 sisters-in-law.
O. Oranges or apples? Orange if you are peeling it, Apple if it's from NY.
P. Phobias? Snakes
Q. Quotes? I don't have one.
R. Reasons to smile? My very blessed life.
S. Season of choice? Summer
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? If it's unknown I think I need to keep it that way.
V. Vegetable? Peas and corn.
W. Worst habits? Procrastination
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Depends what you are screening for.
Y. Your favorite food? Italian.
Z. Zodiac sign? Gemini
Now check back later for my 7 Brilliant Blogger Awards
OMG i really think our girls are twins!!! I have to tell you something funny but gross about abby and her favorite stuffed lovey named Lamby...LOL Every morning when i change Abby's diaper she takes her lambys little paw and puts it on her butt like its helping me change her diaper!!!! OK thats gross but it cracks me up! Oh by the way Lamby gets cleaned everyday!!!! Kids are just sooo funny! LOL
I love the braid too!
It is really funny that Olivia has to take the zoo with her to breakfast and the picture of Bill carrying them is really funny!!!!!
Hey Bill.
The french braid is really pretty.
Talk to you soon!
So cute--of course a princess like Olivia SHOULD have her faithful subjects present at breakfast ; )
Too cute!!! Love the photos!
LOL! Sooo cute! Corynn does the same thing with her friends in the morning! I love her french braid too!
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