Every morning when Olivia wakes up, before you can pick her up out of her crib, she must hand you her baby doll, blanket, stuffed puppy and one or two of her other stuffed friends. Then and only then can you pick her up, which is quite a task as my arms are pretty full at this point. I have tried to convince her to just take one of her friends with her but she will not hear of it. So off to breakfast we all go. They must now be lined up on the table in front of her so that she can share her breakfast with them. Here are some pictures of her feeding her baby doll and puppy.
Maggie is waiting for it to fall off the spoon and into her mouth.
Olivia would only let my niece Morgan take care of her the other day. She would push me away and take Morgan's hand. She would not let me change her, or dress her after swimming.
Here Morgan and Madison are the Princessa's personal assistants.
Not only does Olivia like to take her friends to breakfast, they also have to go to school with her. She changes it around and brings different ones so they all get a chance to go to school.
This is Olivia's first ride on a real carousel. She was afraid and would not sit. She stood and held on to her Daddy. When it was over she said, "more, more"?
Since Olivia came home these two babies have been pushed to the wayside. Poor things, can't you see how neglected they are....how awful that we make them sleep on our leather sofa and it's just terrible that they get to eat anything Olivia is eating, she loves to share. Poor spoiled puppies.
Love the pictures! She is adorable!!
That is so funny! Madi is just attatched to her paci.
Your poor poor dogs. I think I am going to call the humane society on you. How DARE you make them sleep on a leather couch!!!!!!
Love ya
Olivia will be a loyal friend.
We also have a Maggie that sits under the highchair. Our dogs think Johanna is the greatest thing that has ever happened in this house.
Parker (the dog) has gained 10 pounds since Olivia came home. He actually will only pay attention to her if she has food in her hand.
Love the pics of Olivia feeding her stuffed animals!! Too cute!!
Those are some great pics of your girl and her friends...Abby makes me first get her "lamby,dora pillow and sometimes her homer doll out of her crib down to breakfast too!!! They are sooo funny!! I think the girls are long lost sisters!!! Crack me up how they look alike!!
Your dogs are sooooo cute!!!!!!
have a nice weekend! Leslie
you just got tagged and an award - go to my blog:)
How sweet, feeding her toys! By the way, I'm tagging you for a Brilliante Blog Award. Check out my blog for details.
Becky T.
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