There has been a lot going on around here this week. I am so glad that the week is coming to an end. I took Bill to the ER on Sunday following 2 days of 102 fever and severe pain behind one knee and down to the middle of his calf. They diagnosed a superficial blood clot and infection. They gave him IV antibiotic in the ER and sent him home with oral antibiotics. He followed up with his doctor Monday who said that it should be better by Wednesday. Here it is Thursday night and he is a little better but still not able to bear much weight, sit without elevating or bend completely. He will follow up with them again tomorrow and hopefully they will give him a stronger antibiotic.
We thought he had the flu because he was complaining about his legs aching while he had the fever. It wasn't until Saturday night that he mentioned that his left leg was the worst. By Sunday morning he could barely get out of bed. Also on Sunday Olivia started running a fever of 101. She ran a fever on and off thru Tuesday. She also has a rash on her arms and hands which appeared last week before the fever started. I don't know what this is, and of course the doctor sure doesn't know what it is either. When the doctor doesn't know what you have, they don't know how to treat it, so what do they call it...........A VIRUS....then they don't have to treat it.
Olivia went back to school today and remains fever free but still has the rash. I guess I will have to take her to a pediatric dermatologist to figure out what it is.
Olivia went back to school today and remains fever free but still has the rash. I guess I will have to take her to a pediatric dermatologist to figure out what it is.
On top of all this I had a little sinus, allergy, stuffy kind of thing going on. It seems to be just about gone now. If I can just get Bill back to 100% we will be back to normal....almost there. It has been a crazy week. Glad I am getting it all done with in one week though.
I absolutely love this little girl!!!!
18 months old and she loves salad.
Even sick her smile lights up the room.
I love you Maggie!!
I know you have had one heck of a week. I am glad to hear that you and Olivia are back to normal. Hopefully today the Dr. can give Bill something else.
Love ya
I will be praying for you guys! Ya'll have seemed to have a really tough time in the illness department over the past few months!
Love ya!
I will keep Bill in my prayers! Your Olivia is just soooo sweet i love the pic with her and Maggie!!! priceless!
I hope everyone is feeling much better by now.
That last picture is just precious.
I hope your all doing better now. Olivia is a cutie patootie!!
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