Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 29, 2010

The party is canceled!......................for now.

Tomorrow was supposed to be Olivia's 3rd birthday celebration with all her friends.  She and her best friend Bella are 2 weeks apart in age so we decided to do a joint, dress up and dance party at the girls dance studio.  We invited Olivia's friends, we invited Bella's friends and we invited all their friends from school, we have everything ready for a really fun dress up and dance party but, the snow.......yes, snow........yes, in Raleigh............ yes, there is panic in the streets..........and yes, the party is canceled because of the snow.  Of all the weekends that we could have snow why this one!  We are pretty bummed out that we had to cancel, but we are happy that we were able to reschedule the party to the 13th of February.
Olivia was pretty disappointed when I told her that we had to cancel the party, but as soon as I told her that we were going to get snow she was okay with it. 
It is now 9pm and we have over an inch of snow already.  We are supposed to get a lot more where this is coming from.  We may be snowed in tomorrow but we are all right with it.  As long as we don't lose power or Internet, we'll be fine. 

I hope to get some good pictures tomorrow of the snow. 

Here are some pictures that Olivia's foster family sent her for her birthday, they sure do love our little girl!!

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Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.