Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Catching Up

I know it's been a while since I have posted, but I have been a little busy!!!  Moving and unpacking are all consuming, throw a 2 year old in the mix and it's even crazier.  We love our new house!!  We are still getting settled and because this house is so much bigger than our old house we don't have any furniture on the first floor.  Other than our kitchen table and the computer we put everything upstairs in the bedrooms and bonus room.  Now I have to find a dining room table and a living room set to complete the downstairs.  I don't know if I can get everything done by Christmas but I am going to try.  I have an idea what I want.  I do want to have the inside painted.  The builder did Sienna Sand through the entire house.  It looks nice but it is a little too yellow and doesn't go with the way I want to decorate.  We also have to move the tree that they planted in the front of the house (Bill has a lot to do LOL!).  It is some kind of maple and it will take over the entire house as it grows.  What were they thinking.  Here are a few pictures of the kitchen, eating area and living room.  Bill will doing some built in shelving around the fireplace.  Other than paint these rooms just need window treatments paint and decor.  My blinds are all up now but I haven't taken a picture yet.   

Olivia carrying her cousin's new skate board. 

She actually rode on it while we held her hands.  She loved it.

It would be nice if everyone would smile like Morgan and take a good picture once in a while. 

Olivia was sick the week before last.  She wanted to take a bath and I put her clothes on her, then she picked out and put on her socks and shoes (I'd cry too if my outfit looked that bad).  Really she was just crying because I went to get something and wasn't carrying her, she didn't feel good at all but wouldn't let me dry her hair, I just had to hold her and do nothing else.   

Olivia ended up in the emergency room during that night with croup.  She was having such a hard time breathing whenever she would lay down.  I tried the steam in the bathroom but that didn't help.  She wouldn't sleep sitting up with me, so as soon as she would lay down and fall asleep she would wake up barking and choking and gasping for air.  It was pretty scary for her and us.  So I decided that she needed to be seen.  Off to the ER we went at 1am.  They gave her a breathing treatment and some steroids.  She was better in about 3 days.  She was such a good patient.  She did her breathing treatment like a pro. 

Olivia loves to help me with whatever I am doing.  This day she dried all the dishes for me.  She did a great job!!!!

Olivia had a birthday party yesterday at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham.  The party included free admission to the museum, so we got to see the new dinosaur exhibit that just opened.  In this picture she was afraid to take her picture in front of the dinosaur.

Then she had a change of heart and decided it was safe to have her picture taken. 

So cute!!!!!! 
Oliva not the dinosaur.

We are headed to Atlanta on Thursday.  I have a conference Thursday and Friday and then we are taking Olivia to the Aquarium on Saturday.  I hope to have a lot of pictures to share with you. Olivia is very excited about going to the Aquarium. 


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Beautiful kitchen Sharon! Tabi has to get neb treatments too whenever she gets a cold. Since I have asthma, we already had a nebulizer machine, she has her own little mask to wear and generally is the little champ while taking her treatments! Can't wait to see pictures of the rest of the house!

Anonymous said...

that house is gorgeous and

You have been one busy mommy and i feel ya on that!!! My 2 oldest have been sooooo sick this fall....BLAHHHHHH

Abby would be jealous of those dinosaurs ya know!

Thanks for posting and filing us in!


Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.