Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bill, Snow In the Triangle, Pollo Compero in the Triangle

It began snowing overnight and by 2 pm it was still snowing. Big deal? It is in Raleigh, NC. Olivia had a ball playing in the snow. We went out and it was snowing pretty hard and the wind was blowing. Just like I remember when I was little growing up in Central NY. Getting dressed to go out in the snow is a pain, drying off after coming in not so much fun either, but playing in the snow is soooooo much fun!!!

She didn't like her mittens so she tried her pockets for a few minutes then decided that the mittens weren't so bad after all.

Showing Olivia how to make a snowball. It was great packing snow.

Walking down to the tree the snow was up to her knees.
Looking for the snowball that I threw into the bushes.
Happy Birthday Daddy!!
Sunday was Bill's birthday. He made Jambalaya with shrimp, chicken and andouille sausage. Delicious.

We had to light the candles twice so she could blow them out.

Now if you followed this post to the end and you live in the triangle you will be happy to read this article in the Triangle Business Journal that announces Pollo Compero makes Raleigh it's regional headquarters for it's expansion into the southeast. For any of my blog readers who live around here and have been to Guatemala you know how exciting this news is. You can read the article here and find out where the newest Pollo Compero will open in November of 2009 right here in Raleigh.


Anonymous said...

OOHHH i hear that you guys are getting a few Pollo Camperos in the south..CANT wait to go when i visit my In-Laws in SC!!!

Wow thats alot of snow for you guys!!!! IM soo sick of it here in ohio its been months since i've seen the grass!!!

Love all the sweet pic of your baby girl!!! Her eyes remind me sooo much of abby...sooo cute!


Madelyn's Mommy said...

Love my little snow Via!

Happy late B-Day Bill!

Love ya

Kerry said...

I'm so stinkin' jealous of all the snow pics! Thrilled to hear you're cruising with us in Oct. though!

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.