Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here is some random pictures from the last few weeks.

Wearing Mommy's glasses (upside down).

Me and my Grammy or as I call her "Mimi"! I love my Mimi!!

Me helping Mommy make Italian Sausage bread for New Years Eve! It was a lot of fun getting my hands dirty.

You need lots of Mozzarella cheese on it.

Here is the finished product! Delicious!!


Madelyn's Mommy said...

I am ready to see some of that cuteness in person!!!

Hey you posted this kinda late does that mean what I think it means??? That you are up and not in bed with Via???

Love ya

Anonymous said...

OMG i love her cuteness!!!!!!!!!
OK i need the recipe for that bread!!!!! YUM


Anonymous said...

Very cute! For some reason, M & C always put my sunglasses on upside down too. Wish you hadn't shown the sausage I'm hungry. Also, when are you all available to meet up at Marbles?

JuJu - said...


LadySample said...

So cute. I love your blog. Oliva is quite honestly the most adorable little girl ever.

Yummy bread! I want to learn to make some!

Happy new year!

LouLou said...

I've emailed you several times with a question about Olivia's outfit.... I don't know if they're going in SPAM again??? Anyway, would you see if they're in there..... I need to talk to you about Olivia's shirt.... or

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.