Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 19, 2008

Where have we been!!

Well, assuming that anyone still reads our blog, I am back!! I have had very little time to do much of anything lately. It's not because I am bogged down with holiday decorating, or shopping, or cleaning the house, or attending parties. No it's not for any of those reasons, although I have been doing all of those things. No, I have been away from the computer for quite some time mainly because I have a little girl who has transitioned herself into a big girl bed and after the first night decided that she wants Mommy and Mommy only to sleep with her. Therefore once we get home, have dinner, give Olivia a bath, dry her hair and go to bed by 8 pm (TOGETHER) my night is over. It is impossible to stay awake in a quiet room, while lying on a bed with your eyes closed. So needless to say I haven't gotten anything done and am now in a rush to finish everything this weekend. Oh well. It will get done and Olivia will gradually be good about sleeping by herself again just like she was when she was in her crib. I love laying down with her, she is very cuddly and sweet so I enjoy our time together without any distractions, but in order to get her to settle down and go to sleep I have to have my eyes closed which needless to say leads to sleep on my part. The last five days Olivia has not been sleeping very soundly enough for me to sneak out without her sitting up and screaming for me before I even make it to the door, (I used to be able to vacuum and she wouldn't wake) so I have had to stay there all night. This morning I was able to sneak out without her waking, (keeping my fingers crossed that she is getting used to her bed and sleeping more and more soundly. I let her wake up on her own without me next to her. I told her how proud I was that she did awesome sleeping all by herself "all night long" (think she bought it)? Eventually she will be able to go to sleep on her own all night. When she was in her crib I used to rock her and put her in her crib when she was asleep, then all of a sudden she decided that she just wanted to go into her crib and fall asleep on her own. I imagine she will do the same thing again in her big girl bed. Oh well, all in a days work. Here are some pics of Olivia in her big girl bed. I have not had time to get her a new comforter set and blanket but she has her princess sheets that she loves and now she can see all of her friends that were buried in her crib under her blanket. My little girl is growing up way too fast.

At her friends 2nd birthday party.

Oh yeah and we have been potty training, per Olivia's request. Yes, she asked me for the magazine. She copies everything we do.

Olivia talking to her Daddy on the phone while he was in Florida last weekend.

"Excuse me, I am on the phone, do you mind giving me some privacy"

The big girl bed.

She can't wait to go in her bed every night.


She says her prayer that is on her wall every night before she goes to bed. She has my grandmother's bed which is an antique. It is a Mahogany sleigh bed which goes good with the chocolate brown in her room. Now I have to find a great comforter set to match the room. We don't want to repaint the room until she is older.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think im keeping Abby in her crib until she moves out!!! lol She loves it in there!!!

Yea i missed you and Miss Olivia too!!!

What a sweet girl you have!
Merry Christmas,Leslie

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.