Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Years!! Olivia and I had a great Christmas and slept through New Years (that whole lay down with Olivia thing gets me every time). Bill missed Christmas but was was awake and watched Dick Clark ring in the New Year!
Bill was sick with an upper respiratory thing and he spent Christmas day in bed! We were supposed to have everyone at our house for Christmas Day but had to have a last minute change of plans and go to my sister's house. She hosts Christmas Eve at her house and I do Christmas Day. All the food had to be carried to her house, which was a pain but well worth it. No one had to worry about coming into my house and getting sick. Plus I would never have been able to get the tables set up and everything in order by myself while watching my busy busy little girl and trying to keep her out of trouble. So I am very grateful to "Rescue 911" AKA my sister and her family for having their home available on short notice.

Christmas Eve
It wouldn't be Christmas without this Santa on my sister's front porch. He is over 25 years old and very faded but even the neighbors know Christmas is upon them when Mike puts Santa on the porch.

Madison sewed a felt cat for Olivia that she wrapped in Christmas paper and gave to Olivia to open Christmas Eve.

Why do kids only like what's on the bread and not the bread itself? The only way to get at it is to get it all over your face and well into your nose.

The girls going upstairs to read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" with my sister.

Change of plans.....Morgan can read now so she took over the honors. She did a great job.

This was our final Christmas Card. I am very happy with the pictures even though it took 3 separate days and 200 pictures to get three good ones. Oh well. They went out late but at least they went out. Thanks, to Bill.

Christmas Morning

Taking a break to watch her new Backyardagains video.

Learning how to use Morgan's Nintendo DS.

Josh's new puppy, Cooper.

Olivia opened one gift while she was sitting next to my brother, only because he was holding the puppy. Once she realized that Josh had taken him outside, she was done opening presents and stayed very close to the puppy............................

It's been a long day kiddo, time to sleep!!


Anonymous said...

awwww looks like Olivia needs a puppy mommy! LOL

What a doll she is...I love her Christmas oufits and pj's!


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Poor Bill, sick for Christmas! Have yall noticed since having a toddler in the house a URI seems to constantly lurking!----Seems that way here!
Happy New Year!
Becky & Tabitha

JuJu - said...

love it
every single picture is perfect:)
My fav is the puppy with Olivia in the blue basket;) PRICELESS!!!!!

Miss you guys and hope you are all doing well
Happy New year:)

JuJu and the Crew:)

Our Family of 5 said...

Seriously, How do you ever turn that face down? Look how cute she looks with the puppy. I would have been out getting one asap..laughing. She is so precious. I just wanna squeeze her!

Madelyn's Mommy said...

Dang I hate Bill was sick. I was sick last year on Christmas Day and that was the worst!

We need to get together soon! We miss ya'll. I thought your Christmas card was really good and I could tell Bill sent them because of the hand writing. :O)

Love ya

Hannah said...

I found your blog today and LOVE IT! Your daughter is so adorable!!

Love the picture of her and the puppy in the basket..too cute!

nikki said...

The Christmas card came out great!!!
Pics of Olivia and the puppy are just too cute!!!

Karen D. said...

Olivia is really growing! The pics are great!! I hope that ya'll have a wonderful new year! We'd love to get together with ya'll in the new year!

Karen and Abbie

Olivia Talking

Thank you Shannon for the great idea of filming the DVD while it plays!! This will have to do until I get the proper program. The quality is not very good doing it this way but it's better than nothing.